Application to MetroTech
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Start your application to Metro Technology Centers
Great! What's your name?
What do you go by?
Are there any other last names you go by?
Great! What other last names should we keep on file?
Awesome! When were you born?
How would you best describe yourself?
Which of these do you identify with?
What's your address?
What about your phone number?
Which of these best describes you as of today?
Please provide the following information for your parent or legal guardian.
What term are you applying for?

What program are you applying for?

What major are you applying for?

What session are you applying for?

In which state is your high school located?

Please enter the school's name below
What's the highest level of education you have completed?
When did you finish high school?
Did you recieve a high school diploma?
Please upload your high school transcript if you have it available. File must be a pdf or jpeg.
In which state did you attend college?

What college did you attend?

Please enter the school's name below
How many college credit hours have you completed?
When did your college attendance start and end?
Please upload your college transcript if you have it available. File must be a pdf or jpeg.
Have You Previously Attended Metro Tech?
Do you remember your Metro Tech student ID? (if no, skip)
Financial Aid
Metro Tech offers financial aid for qualified persons enrolled in full-time career majors. Are you interested in receiving more information about financial aid opportunities at Metro Tech?
Metro Tech offers scholarships and discounts for qualified persons enrolled in full-time career majors. Are you interested in receiving more information about scholarship and discount opportunities at Metro Tech?
Do you plan to apply for FAFSA?
Have you been a resident of Oklahoma for the past 12 months?
Are you an active member or veteran of the military?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
All set!
I certify that all information given here is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that submissions of false information or academic records is grounds for denial of admission. I further agree that upon admission to Metro Tech, it is my responsibility to read the Student Handbook and abide by its rules and regulations regarding conduct, attendance and other student obligations.
Thank you for applying!
Our career advisors will review your application soon. We are excited for the opportunity to provide you quality career training. While you are waiting, we hope you will check us out on social media #mt4life.
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